Support Us

It costs us thousands of pounds every year to maintain our Church and we are also currently fundraising for repairs to external stonework and the stained glass windows. Support from you helps us care for the Church, not only the physical upkeep, but also the historic collections which form part of the story of our community.

Your help will preserve our heritage for the future. Please donate now by pressing the button below and selecting Option 2!


We have a team of volunteers who support us. Volunteers supervise activities, lead tours, and assist with workshops. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please get in touch. We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help! Are you interested in joining our team? We would love to hear from you. If you would be interested in joining our community, please see our current volunteering vacancies below. If there is a vacancy which you would like to apply for, please complete and return the online application form to

Some examples of volunteering roles on the Camus Heritage project

Museum Practice
Caring and preserving our heritage (documentation, transcribing information, word-processing, filing and record keeping, handling objects and preservation)

Understanding our heritage (history of the building/architecture, priests of the parish, key local people, stained glass windows, choir etc)

Community Stories
Gathering, transcribing old stories and images from the church community

Marketing and Promotion
Content contribution and maintaining Social Media – Facebook/Website

Heritage Crafts
Learning more about old practical crafts used in the building: wood turning, wood carving and stone masonry

Visitor Services
Welcoming and engaging with individuals, groups and special interest groups (post Covid)

Tour guiding
Showing visitors around the church and the exhibition space.

Training will be provided where necessary.

Please click here to download the form

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