A Generous Donor – Patrick McMenamin J.P.
Many people, including the local community, donated towards the building of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, which was fully paid for when it opened in September 1895.
One of the most important and generous donors was Patrick McMenamin who was born in the townland of Stroangibbagh in the Parish of Convoy during the Great Famine. He came to Strabane in 1860 as an apprentice shop boy to John Browne’s Grocery business in Castle Place.
Throughout his life, he was a devoted Catholic and not only donated the money for the East Window above the altar but he also contributed one thousand pounds for the organ. He and his employer, Mrs Browne, also paid for the concrete surrounds and metal railings outside the church. Mrs Browne was another important donor to the Church.
During his life Patrick was prominent in the Nationalist movement, taking a great interest in local community affairs and was noted for his integrity, serving as a Justice of the Peace for over 30 years.
He died in Dublin on 19 March 1924. Patrick McMenamin’s remains were conveyed by the GNR train from Dublin to Strabane where there was a large crowd waiting including the local priests. The funeral Mass which was celebrated by the Right Rev. Monsignor O’Doherty PP VG was held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Afterwards Patrick McMenamin was buried in the Browne family grave in Melmount.